My Experience With Starbucks My Schedule


As a Starbucks employee, keeping track of my work schedule has always been a hassle. However, with the introduction of Starbucks My Schedule, everything has become much easier. In this article, I will be sharing my personal experience with the app and providing a guide for those who are new to it.

What is Starbucks My Schedule?

Starbucks My Schedule is an app designed specifically for Starbucks employees. It allows them to view their work schedules, request time off, and swap shifts with other employees. The app is available for both iOS and Android devices and can be accessed through the Starbucks Partner Hub.

My Experience with Starbucks My Schedule

Before using the app, I would constantly have to check the paper schedule posted in the back of the store. This was not only inconvenient but also led to some confusion when shifts were changed or swapped without my knowledge. However, with Starbucks My Schedule, I can easily view my schedule on my phone and receive notifications when changes are made. Another feature that I love about the app is the ability to swap shifts with other employees. This has been a lifesaver for me when unexpected events come up and I need to make some changes to my schedule. The process is simple and easy to follow, and I have never had any issues with it.

Events and Competitions

Starbucks My Schedule also offers various events and competitions for employees to participate in. These events range from coffee tastings to sales competitions, and they are a great way to get involved with the Starbucks community and have some fun.


How do I download Starbucks My Schedule?

You can download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store. Alternatively, you can access it through the Starbucks Partner Hub.

How do I view my schedule on Starbucks My Schedule?

After logging into the app, you will be taken to the homepage where you can view your schedule. You can also set up notifications to receive alerts when changes are made to your schedule.

Can I swap shifts with other employees using Starbucks My Schedule?

Yes, you can easily swap shifts with other employees through the app. Simply select the shift you want to swap and then choose the employee you want to swap with.

Schedule Table

Below is an example of a schedule table that can be found on Starbucks My Schedule: | Date | Time | Shift | |——|——|——-| | Mon 1/2 | 6am-12pm | Morning | | Tue 1/3 | 1pm-7pm | Afternoon | | Wed 1/4 | 8am-2pm | Morning | | Thu 1/5 | 4pm-10pm | Evening | | Fri 1/6 | 11am-5pm | Afternoon | | Sat 1/7 | 7am-1pm | Morning | | Sun 1/8 | OFF | OFF |


Overall, Starbucks My Schedule has been a great addition to my work life. It has made managing my schedule much easier and has allowed me to have more control over my work-life balance. If you are a Starbucks employee, I highly recommend giving the app a try.

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